
Thank-You Letter after Interview

You've worked hard to get an interview.  A thank-you letter is just a little extra work to enhance the interview success.  If you want your thank-you letter make a real impact, you need to do more than copying a standard one for interview books. 

A good thanks-you letter is fairly simple to make.  You just have to send one and sound like a real human being and they will be overwhelmed.  The trick in a thank you, according to the experts and it does make sense, is to be sincere. You have to state the formal thank you part but include something specific to the person and company that came up in the conversation.

 Thank-You Letter Sample

Mr. Justin Hallems
Aero Dynamic Service Center
3560 Aero Jet Drive
Long Beach, CA 90745

Dear Mr. Hallems:

It was a great pleasure meeting with you and your team, James Miller, Richard Lottegas and Linda Baselong. Thank you for the opportunity to present my qualifications and for giving me an overview of your organization and its various operations.

Based on our discussion of the position and the combination of in depth maintenance and development tasks involved I feel that it would be a very good fit. As you noted from my resume, I work in an environment where several projects are active at one time and I can manage changing requirements smoothly. I am dedicated to giving my best to the work and to the team I work with and I can hit the ground running.

Once again, thank you, Mr. Hallems, for our meeting. I look forward to hearing from you and I would truly consider it an honor to work with those who are dedicated to defending this great country.

Lucas D. King 


  1. I think having a thank you letter will give me an edge to be accepted by a recruitment agency. Will do this thanks!

  2. Interview letter always be preferable for those who are seeking some good jobs or wanted to get something else but help me to find out trusted material in any case. Thank you!
